Contribute was developed to provide an easy and affordable way for you to add omega-3 fatty acids into the diet of your horses. It contains both plant and marine sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which help maintain health levels of inflammation throughout the body.
The importance of omega-3 fatty acids:
Omega fatty acids are known as essential fatty acids because they cannot be synthesized in the body and must be provided in the diet. Omega fatty acids are split into two categories: omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Both are necessary to the well-being of the horse; however, it is the amount of both fatty acids relative to each other that is most important for overall health.
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are used in the synthesis of hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. The primary function of these prostaglandins is the regulation of essential body functions such as immune and inflammatory response. Prostaglandins produced from the omega-6 series typically increase the inflammatory response, whereas those produced from the omega-3 series tend to support a lower level of inflammation. When the ratio between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is unbalanced, unhealthy levels of inflammation can occur.
Horses evolved to exist on a grass-based diet high in omega-3 fatty acids and low in omega-6 fatty acids. Modern diets tend to include ingredients that are high in omega-6 and low in omega-3 fatty acids, throwing the critical 6 to 3 ratio out of whack. Supplementing with a high-quality omega-3 fatty acid brings that ratio back into balance and supports healthy levels of inflammation.
Contribute offers you an affordable way to include both beneficial plant (alpha-linolenic acid) and marine sources (EPA and DHA) of omega-3 fatty acids into the diet.
Contribute’s cherry flavor is very appealing to horses and because it is concentrated you only have to feed 1 or 2 ounces per day.
1) My friend was telling me that supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids decreased the level of inflammation in horses with arthritis. Is this true?
Yes, there have been several studies that have shown that the addition of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids to the diet will help support healthy levels of inflammation in the joints. Here’s an article about one of the studies that was done at Texas A&M University, titled “Markers of Inflammation in Arthritic Horses Fed Omega-3 Fatty Acids.”
How do omega-3 fatty acids affect performance horses?
Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids support normal stride length, indicating they play a role in maintaining joint health. Horses supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids from plant sources exhibit a more normal inflammatory response to exercise, increasing the likeliness that the horse will remain sound and healthy.
3) I feed my horse corn oil. Can I replace the corn oil with Contribute omega-3 fatty acids?
Yes. Contribute omega-3 fatty acid supplement is a great alternative to corn oil. Corn oil, an old standby for many horse people, is high in omega-6 fatty acids, whereas Contribute is high in omega-3 fatty acids that are healthier for your horse. Contribute will put the same shine in your horse’s coat, while also supporting a healthier inflammatory response throughout his body.
4) My horse has trouble with skin allergies. A friend told me to feed omega-3 fatty acids. Will this really help?
Yes. Omega-3 fatty acids help support healthy inflammation levels, which mitigate the severity of allergic reactions.
5) Do omega-3 fatty acids support healthy stallion semen?
Yes, they do. Research has proven that the omega-3 fatty acid DHA supports both healthy sperm output and quality. If you are shipping semen, DHA’s supportive effect on the sperm’s cell membrane improves its ability to withstand cooling and freezing.
If I feed omega-3 fatty acids to my broodmare, will the foal get the benefits as well?
Yes. Mares consuming diets high in omega-3 also have colostrum and milk with elevated levels. Foals whose dams have been fed a diet rich in omega-3 have elevated serum levels of the nutrient, which supports a stronger immune system.
I have heard that a typical diet of hay and grain is too low in omega-3 fatty acids. Is that true?
Yes; unfortunately this is often true. Horses evolved to exist on a grass-based diet high in omega-3 fatty acids and low in omega-6 fatty acids. In an effort to support the increasing energy demands made on modern horses, man introduced large amounts of grains into equine diets. These grains are high in omega-6 fatty acids. Along with increases in the amount of grain, most horses now eat processed forages like hay that are also low in omega-3 fatty acids. One of the best natural sources of omega-3 fatty acids is fresh green grass, yet many horses spend very limited time on lush pasture. These typical modern management practices throw the critical 6 to 3 ratio out of whack. Supplementing with a high-quality omega-3 fatty acid helps brings the ratio back into balance.
8) What types of horses do you recommend omega-3 fatty acid supplementation for and why?
Here is a quick summary of which horses may benefit from omega-3 fatty acids and why.
Foals and young, growing horses
Supports a healthy immune system.
Maintains normal inflammation levels that support optimal growth.
Broodmares and stallions
Supports a healthy immune system.
Supports normal fertility rates.
Maintains healthy cell membranes in semen during cooling and freezing.
Performance horses
Maintains healthy inflammation levels that support long-term health and soundness.
Supports a healthy inflammatory response to exercise.
Seniors and special-needs horses
Sustains healthy immune function.
Maintains healthy level of inflammation in joints, supporting soundness.
Supports a healthy immune response and normal inflammation levels, which mitigate the severity of allergic reactions.
What is the difference between omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids and how do they affect my horse?
Omega fatty acids are known as essential fatty acids because they cannot be synthesized in the body and must be provided in the diet. Omega fatty acids are split into two categories: omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Both are necessary to the well-being of the horse; however, it is the amount of both of these acids relative to each other that is most important for overall health. Functioning at the cellular level, omega fatty acids impact the cell membrane, thereby influencing every system in the body. When properly balanced, the two types of fatty acids work in concert to keep your horse healthy.
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are metabolized by cells in the body and used in the synthesis of hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. The primary function of these prostaglandins is the regulation of essential body functions such as blood clotting, blood pressure, immune and inflammatory response. Prostaglandins produced from the omega-6 series typically have a pro-inflammatory response and increase blood clotting, whereas those produced from the omega-3 series tend to have the opposite effect by mitigating the inflammatory response and decreasing blood clotting. Both the omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids compete for the same enzymes in the production of these prostaglandins, so it is the ratio of the omega-6 to omega-3 that has the greatest influence over inflammatory response and other vital body functions. When an abundance of omega-6 acids are consumed relative to the amount of omega-3, cells increase the production of prostaglandins from the omega-6 series, leading to an increase in inflammation, which, over time, leads to multiple health problems.
10) Why is supplying several different sources of omega-3 fatty acids important?
Alpha-linolenic acid is the most common omega-3 fatty acid and is found in plants. While horses generally obtain alpha-linolenic acid by eating grass and hay, flaxseed and linseed oil are the most concentrated sources of this nutrient.
The omega-3 fatty acids known as EPA and DHA have also been identified as supportive in the horse. These are longer-chain fatty acids and are generally found in fish oils. Shorter chain acids, like alpha-linolenic acid, can be converted into the longer chain acids EPA and DHA; however, this process is very inefficient.
Recommended For
Omega-3 fatty acids support overall wellness in horses of all ages.
Contribute provides DHA, EPA, and alpha-linolenic acid, a complete range of omega-3 fatty acids. A diet balanced in its omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid ratio supports healthy immune function, inflammatory response, cardiovascular system, nervous system, and bone development. Contribute’s pleasant cherry taste and concentrated formula make supplementing easy.
Contribute is recommended for:
Broodmares and breeding stallions
Foals and growing horses
Senior horses, particularly those with arthritis
Performance horses
Horses with allergies, hives, COPD (heaves)
Horses unable to graze on fresh green grass
Contribute contains:
Fish oil: a source of EPA and DHA
Flaxseed oil: a source of alpha-linolenic acid
Total omega-3 fatty acids: 10,780 mg per oz
Eicosapentaenoic (EPA): 3,210 mg per oz
Docosahexaenoic (DHA): 2,320 mg per oz
Why omega fatty acids are important:
Omega fatty acids are known as essential fatty acids because they cannot be synthesized in the body and must be provided in the diet. Omega fatty acids are split into two categories: omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Both are necessary to the well-being of the horse; however, it is the amount of both of these acids relative to each other that is most important for overall health. Functioning at the cellular level, omega fatty acids impact the cell membrane, thereby influencing every system in the body. When properly balanced, the two types of fatty acids work in concert to keep your horse healthy.
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are metabolized by cells in the body and used in the synthesis of hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. The primary function of these prostaglandins is the regulation of essential body functions such as blood clotting, blood pressure, immune and inflammatory response. Prostaglandins produced from the omega-6 series typically have a pro-inflammatory response and increase blood clotting, whereas those produced from the omega-3 series tend to have the opposite effect by mitigating the inflammatory response and decreasing blood clotting. Both the omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids compete for the same enzymes in the production of these prostaglandins, so it is the ratio of the omega-6 to omega-3 that has the greatest influence over inflammatory response and other vital body functions. When an abundance of omega-6 acids are consumed relative to the amount of omega-3, cells increase the production of prostaglandins from the omega-6 series, leading to an increase in inflammation, which, over time, leads to multiple health problems.
Why supplying multiple sources of omega-3 fatty acids is important:
Alpha-linolenic acid is the most common omega-3 fatty acid and is found in plants. While horses generally obtain alpha-linolenic acid by eating grass and hay, flaxseed and linseed oil are the most concentrated sources of this nutrient.
The omega-3 fatty acids known as EPA and DHA have also been identified as supportive to the horse. These are longer-chain fatty acids and are generally found in fish oils. Shorter chain acids, like alpha-linolenic acid, can be converted into the longer chain EPA and DHA; however, this process is very inefficient, hence the need to provide them in the diet.
Why use Contribute?
Balancing the omega 6 to 3 fatty acid ratio in your horse’s diet will help maintain your horse’s good health. Contribute offers you an affordable way to include both supportive plant and marine sources of omega-3 fatty acids into the diet.
Serving and Storage
Contribute feeding instructions*:
Horses at maintenance, yearlings: 1 oz per day, mixed in feed.
Horses in training, stallions, broodmares: 2 oz per day, mixed in feed.
*As with any change in your horse’s diet, we recommend introducing Contribute in small amounts and slowly increasing to the full serving (1 or 2 oz) over a period of a week to 10 days.
Storage and shelf life:
Store Contribute at room temperature or under refrigeration. Do NOT expose to direct sunlight. Avoid freezing or excessive heat. Reseal lid tightly during storage. Shelf life is 12 months from date of manufacture when stored under suitable conditions.
Available size:
1-gallon jug (128-day supply when offered at 1 oz per day)
More Information
For more information on omega-3 fatty acids visit our blog and explore these titles.
I’ve been using the summer games electrolytes for the last year or so and then recently swapped my western dressage & cow horses over to the joint armor & contribute. Astounding results! My horses are moving beautifully, more impulsion & suspension in their gaits! Their recovery after a heavy workout or long weekend is improved as well. Overall I feel their happier and healthier now they are on KPP.
Rated 5 out of 5
Sue from MA –
My 31 year old mare is so much more comfortable now that she has Contribute included in her diet. Her movement is more fluid. I fed another Omega 3 oil product from another manufacturer before I found Contribute. Contribute has made her much more comfortable compared to the other product, Contribute is also less expensive. She loves the taste. She can be a picky eater (she’s entitled to be picky at her age!), but she eats the Contribute right up when I mix it with her concentrate. I also feed Contribute to my 2 year old filly. She loves the taste. She licks her feed dish clean to get every drop of Contribute. I feed it to her because she does not have access to fresh grass. I want to make sure she’s getting her Omegas. The Contribute Keeps her skin and coat soft and shiny and keeps her skin from getting dry and flaky. This is a great product.
Sarah Stevens –
I’ve been using the summer games electrolytes for the last year or so and then recently swapped my western dressage & cow horses over to the joint armor & contribute. Astounding results! My horses are moving beautifully, more impulsion & suspension in their gaits! Their recovery after a heavy workout or long weekend is improved as well. Overall I feel their happier and healthier now they are on KPP.
Sue from MA –
My 31 year old mare is so much more comfortable now that she has Contribute included in her diet. Her movement is more fluid. I fed another Omega 3 oil product from another manufacturer before I found Contribute. Contribute has made her much more comfortable compared to the other product, Contribute is also less expensive. She loves the taste. She can be a picky eater (she’s entitled to be picky at her age!), but she eats the Contribute right up when I mix it with her concentrate. I also feed Contribute to my 2 year old filly. She loves the taste. She licks her feed dish clean to get every drop of Contribute. I feed it to her because she does not have access to fresh grass. I want to make sure she’s getting her Omegas. The Contribute Keeps her skin and coat soft and shiny and keeps her skin from getting dry and flaky. This is a great product.