Category: KPP Rider Blogs

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Hey, it is Taco here with an update!

As an equine athlete who has lived a full life, I have had my share of aches and pains. Lately I have been having more trouble than usual walking around and getting up from my nap. My humans tried the typical things to make me more comfortable, but they weren’t working as well as they had in the past.

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Facemask tug-of-war

I think it is time to have a discussion about fly masks. For those of you that aren’t familiar with them, fly masks are the things our humans strap to our faces to keep the flies out of our eyes. The mask serves two purposes: It keeps us more comfortable (I am sure you don’t like flies in your eyes!) and it stops us from getting infections and diseases in our eyes.

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Leo came to town

He stepped off the trailer with his head high and ears pricked. There was a slight tremble in his muscles, a hint of nervous excitement. He walked gracefully, almost catlike, down the ramp and across the drive. His fuzzy winter coat glistened…

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Flying squirrels and giant lizards

I had quite the chuckle the other day. Oreo and I were hanging out in the dry lot, enjoying some hay and having a chat—you know, like horses do. “I think I am retired now like you,” Oreo said. I just looked at him. “ Why do you think that? How old are you?” “Nine,” he answered…

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As an ex-racehorse and ex-event horse turned dressage horse (recently retired), I have an interesting history with water. I have been bathed in it, I have galloped through it, jumped over it, jumped into it, and on the race track…

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Hey, wait for me!

By Reese Koffler Stanfield, USDF gold medalist, FEI-certified instructor, owner of Maplecrest Farm. We have all experienced that moment when you put your foot in the stirrup and your trusty steed…

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