Monitoring both body weight and body condition will help keep your horse healthy

F A S T   F A C T S

Monitoring both body weight and body condition will
help keep your horse healthy.

Knowing how much your horse weighs is important, but body condition is a key factor in determining how fit they are. Body condition measures the level of both fat and muscle in the horse’s body. In general, a body condition score of 5 is considered good, but there are some cases where a leaner or fatter condition may be desirable. For example, with older horses it may be more beneficial if the horse has a higher score to create a buffer for times of stress and illness. However, if your older horse suffers from arthritis or laminitis, he or she may do better without extra weight.

T I P S   A N D   T O P I C S

How much does your horse weigh?

It is important to your horse’s health to know how much they weigh. Monitoring your horse’s weight regularly  helps you

  • Adjust their diet for optimal health and performance.
  • Develop an appropriate exercise regimen.
  • Spot health problems that cause unexpected weight loss or gain.
  • Ensure safe and effective dosing of medication.

There are several methods used to weigh horses. To find the best method that works for you, click here.

I N   T H E   S P O T L I G H T

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Managing the easy keeper is anything but easy. The biggest challenge when feeding an easy keeper is meeting nutrient requirements without overfeeding calories.

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