Putting Effort Into Relaxation

By Joe and Penny Most, equine clinicians and owners of Perfect Partners Equine
All of the maneuvers we ask our horses to perform originated with either war horses or ranch horses. These movements were purpose driven. We continue to see evidence of them today in dressage horses, cutting horses, trail horses and all horses in between.
The most important aspect common to all these movements is speed control, or in other words, having an equal amount of go and whoa. When training, if we change our approach and make the horse responsible for the stop, more so than for the go, we can change how they respond to being ridden.
Instead of containing our horse by constantly pulling on the reins, we can begin to find a much softer contact. You can do this by allowing your horses to rest after they stop. The rest period should be longer then the period they spent going forward. Do this until the horse begins to “hunt the stop” and relax. Relax is the key word. When they find relaxation in the stop, they will put more effort into stopping.
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About Perfect Partners Equine:
Perfect Partners Equine, established by Joe and Penny Most, offers trail horse clinics, obstacle challenges, and equine vacations for trail riders. Joe and Penny have over 30 years of experience in equine activities such as recreational riding, showing, training, breeding, and long-distance hauling. They bring a wide variety of expertise to the riders who participate in their programs, and they share habits and skills that help riders better understand and communicate with their horses. To join Perfect Partners Equine on one of their many equine clinics, excursions or trail horse retreats, visit perfectpartnersequine.com or email perfectpartnersequine@yahoo.com or call Penny Most at 336-403-1508.