Is It Necessary to Feed Additional Fat or Oil to My Horse When I Supplement With a Natural Vitamin E Powder?

No, it is not necessary to provide additional fat or oil to your horse when supplementing with the natural vitamin E contained in Elevate Maintenance Powder. A typical horse will consume enough fat from their diet to support the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. An exception to the rule would be a horse that is severely malnourished or one that has a medical condition that interferes with fat absorption.

A little bit of fat goes a long way.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin and dietary fat is necessary for its proper absorption within the small intestine. However, the amount of fat needed is small and readily provided in a normal diet of hay and/or grass pasture. The research studies conducted on the source of natural vitamin E contained in Elevate Maintenance Powder were performed on horses consuming diets considered low in fat. The data in these studies showed Elevate to be extremely well absorbed

Where does fat come from in a horse’s diet?

Most horse people don’t consider hay and pasture as sources of dietary fat, but they are. For example, mixed grass pasture contains between 2.7% and 4.8% fat, depending on the variety of grass. Alfalfa hay contains 2% to 2.8% fat, and grass hay between 1.7% and 3.2% fat. Concentrates (grains and pelleted feeds) are more often recognized as providing calories in the form of fat. Depending on the feed’s formulation, the average fat levels in a commercial concentrate range from 2% to 12%.

Equine nutritionists who are experts in the field of vitamin E nutrition do not feel it is necessary to provide additional fat (or oil) when supplementing with the natural vitamin E contained in Elevate Maintenance Powder.


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