
Myo-Guard helps Mustang win top ribbons.

I do NATRC which is endurance with horsemanship obstacles on the trail. You receive two scores, one for horsemanship and one for the horse. The horse is judged on pulse and respiration, and soundness among other things. We were doing OK, but during the last vet check we would have points taken off for grade 1 lameness and attitude (she was tired). The grade 1 lameness is when the judge can see the horse is stiff and tight or could be slightly off on one leg. Grade 1 is not bad, just that the horse is just a little off.

A friend suggested I try Myo-Guard. I feed the product once a day with my mare’s grain. This product is great because I can feed it during competitions.

This is the difference I have seen since starting Myo-Guard. We are having 9 heart beats per minute and 4 breaths at the vet check during the competition. She is checking out SOUND with a great attitude. No muscle soreness. In my competition in October we won our division and we won sweepstakes. Sweepstakes is the highest scoring horse. My mare scored a 98 out of 100! My November ride we won 1st place in horse and 2nd place in horsemanship. We tied for sweepstakes and with the tiebreaker we did not win. Pepper is also the Reserve Champion Novice Horse in Region 4 .I have seen a difference in her performance.

Holly Jones, owner of Rock Creeks Wild Pepper (Mustang)
Waco, Texas

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