“I bought a pail (of Neigh-Lox); almost OVER NIGHT Abby showed improvement.”
“At the suggestion of a friend who has used the product, I purchased Neigh-Lox for my 18-year-old hunt mare.
“Abby has hunted hard every season since the fall of 1998 and has exhibited the same symptoms for probably 8 of those years. At the beginning of the season, she is her usual relaxed self, in good weight, cleans up her grain, no sign of any problems or vices. Once the season is under way, however, she exhibits a number of changes. She won’t clean up her grain, either the evening before hunting or the morning of. She picks at her hay. She EATS (not chews) the wood fences in her pasture. On the trailer, she won’t touch her hay and will attack the vinyl covering of her breast bar with a vengeance. This mellow, easy-going mare becomes a terror on hunt days (although she is a star to ride—no issues once she gets to the hunt!).
“It occurred to me that she probably has an upset stomach due to nerves. A friend recommended Neigh-Lox since it had worked for her horses in the past.
“I bought a pail; almost OVERNIGHT Abby showed improvement. Now when she comes into the barn overnight before hunting, she eats her grain (licks the feed tub clean!), cleans up her hay, drinks normally, doesn’t grind her teeth in the stall, and so far has stopped savaging the vinyl covering of her breast bar when she goes on the trailer (thankfully—that’s an expensive habit). She has stopped eating the wood fences in her paddock as well. She’s back to the horse she is during the rest of the year.
“Thanks for a great product.”
– Mary Pierson