Dangerous Dehydration
When it is hot out, exercise and other stressors can lead to dangerous dehydration.
Horses generate a tremendous amount of heat in their bodies when they exercise or when they are stressed. As the core body temperature rises, the sweat response is triggered. Sweat is nature’s way of cooling the horse’s body. Sweat is made up of fluid and electrolytes, so when horses sweat they lose both water and minerals.
Riding can lead to dehydration when a horse is unable to rehydrate adequately during and after exercise. The same holds true when a horse is shipped or put in a stressful situation that causes reduced water intake and sweating.
Dehydration leads to changes within the horse’s body that signal his system to begin shutting down. Making matters worse, dehydration actually decreases the thirst response, so horses stop drinking. Maintaining proper hydration is extremely important not only to optimal performance but to the overall well-being of your horse.
The administration of a well-balanced electrolyte, such as Summer Games, will lower the risk of exercise-related or stress-induced dehydration. Summer Games replenishes lost minerals and triggers the thirst response.