Category: Vitamins and Minerals

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Vitamin E deficiency: Horses at risk during winter

Vitamin E cannot be synthesized by the horse; therefore, it is considered an essential nutrient. The best source of vitamin E is fresh green grass; however, the potency of vitamin E declines very quickly once forages are harvested and dried. Vitamin E is most crucial when horses are fed diets almost exclusively composed of preserved forages.

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Feeding Horses in Drought Conditions

During drought conditions, pastures may not provide enough fi­ber and energy to meet your horse’s nutrition requirements. Feeding additional hay may be necessary. If additional calories are still needed, consider a high-fat supplement. Horses should consume at least 1.5% to 2% of body weight per day in forage. Supplemental forage in the form of hay or hay cubes may be needed.

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More Mighty Minerals

Minerals are inorganic compounds that serve both as components in body tissue and as catalysts for various body processes. They play a critical role in a horse’s health and well-being. Minerals are broken down into two categories: macrominerals and microminerals.

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Mighty Minerals

Minerals are inorganic compounds that serve both as components in body tissue and as catalysts for various body processes. Calcium and phosphorus are perhaps the most recognizable macrominerals. As with all minerals, they are vital to your horse’s well-being.

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