Is Sweet Itch Driving Your Horse Crazy?

Summer seasonal recurrent dermatitis (SSRD) or sweet itch, is caused by an allergic reaction to the saliva of the Culicoides midge (“no-see-ums”). These bothersome fellows are active from April through October.

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Is sweet itch driving your horse crazy?


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The Culprit

Summer seasonal recurrent dermatitis (SSRD) or sweet itch, is caused by an allergic reaction to the saliva of the Culicoides midge (“no-see-ums”). These bothersome fellows are active from April through October.

The Symptoms

Sweet itch symptoms are hard to miss! Horses will constantly rub to relieve the intense itching. 

Early Phase – The skin will become red and inamed, and devoid of hair. Crusting and weeping sores may be present.

Chronic Phase – The skin will thicken, blacken and become wrinkled. Sparse, course hair may be present.

Start Treatment and Preventative Measures – The Sooner The Better.

Rubbing damages tails and manes quickly!

  Circulate the air with ceiling and  stall fans. 

  Keep water tanks clean and filled with fresh water.

  Use insecticides and repellents to kill gnats and keep them off your horse.

  Contact your vet and ask about corticosteroid and antihistamine treatments.

• Keep horses stalled during the peak bug activity – an hour prior to and after dawn and dusk.

• Use a fly sheet with tail flap and hood to cover vulnerable areas.

• Coat the itchy area daily with an oily substance, like baby oil or Skin So Soft. Midges don’t like the oily film and will avoid it.

Supportive Supplements:


Supports reduced skin inammation and aids in mitigating allergic responses in horses that have hives or skin allergies.

Elevate® Natural Vitamin E

Supports a strong immune system in horses of all ages.

Kentucky Performance Products. LLC.
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