
Hello, 2014

Happy 2014, everyone! I can’t believe how fast 2013 went, and let me tell you, I’m not that sad to see it leave. I will definitely count the blessings that I have had this past year but between Hoosier’s ups and downs, and the loss of a wonderful mentor and friend, I’m ready for a new start.

Like I said last year, I don’t like to make too many goals, because in this sport that can only disappoint you. But for 2014 I would love a breakthrough with my little bundle of joy (insert sarcasm here), Zeke. I’d like to have a mental breakthrough with him. I’ve come to the conclusion that he is too smart for his own good, and after riding through all the bucks and leaps I always see glimpses of what the future could hold for us. Those glimpses are what help me stick with him and not give up on this sometimes naughty boy.

As for Hoosier, I’m still praying for that miracle. I hope to compete him again. Whether that means me being able to do my first advanced on him, or running prelim all year, I just want to enjoy my boy again.

I’ve made it to Florida to work with Missy again. I have three horses with me this year: Hoosier, Zeke, and Oliver, Sydney’s horse. I’m excited and eager for boot camp. I’ll keep you posted while I’m there.

Until next time, safe rides!


Update from Aunt Becky:

For everyone stuck in the cold and snow I received a text from Megan this morning that they had freezing rain in Ocala too.  Ha!  I wanted to share this text because it also so perfectly sums up the personality of all three boys she has down there.

“It was freezing rain here last night so I had to keep the boys in. The field they stay in is a 1/4 of a mile away so I decided to take all three at once. Hoosier tried to trot the whole way, Zeke was trying to bite Hoosier for being ahead and Ollie was walking ten feet behind us at 1 mph….picture this yet?”


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