Trouble Free™ Powder

(3 customer reviews)


Maintains calmness so horses are ready to face any situation.

  • 2.25 lb bucket. Each bucket contains 40 servings.
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Product Description

Why choose Trouble Free calming paste or powder?

Spooky, tense, edgy, unfocused. If these words describe your horse, a calming supplement could make training easier and riding more fun. Trouble Free is scientifically formulated to support healthy nervous system function and help your horse maintain a more confident, focused, and relaxed disposition. The powder can be fed daily or as needed during stressful situations.

Trouble Free powder:

  • Contains alpha-lactalbumin, a unique ingredient that supports normal nerve function and maintains calmness.
  • Helps horses maintain a relaxed attitude and supports a positive experience for both horse and rider.
  • Provides supplemental thiamine (B1), taurine, inositol, and magnesium.

Genetics and nutrition play a role in temperament.

Your horse’s personality plays a large role in how he or she reacts to everyday life and new situations. Some horses fret and worry when their routine is changed; others are high-strung and spooky no matter what is going on! A horse’s natural flight instinct kicks into high gear when he or she is anxious or scared. Working with or riding a tense, edgy horse is a challenge, and it can be dangerous. Training a nervous horse is next to impossible because the horse is no longer able to pay attention to the job at hand.

While a horse’s personality is part of his genetic makeup, nutrition can also play a role in temperament. Research has shown that horses deficient in the mineral magnesium will show signs of nervousness. B vitamins, B vitamin related substances, and certain amino acids all play a role in proper nerve function. If adequate levels are not supplied, nerve function suffers and horses have a hard time remaining calm and focused.  Supplying a supplement to support relaxation and healthy nerve function can improve your horse’s quality of life and your ability to enjoy owning him.


  • When and how often do I administer Trouble Free?

  • Calm, focused horses learn more, compete better, and are easier to manage. Experiencing new situations or being introduced to new surroundings can be stressful for some horses. If your horse tends to get nervous or excited, providing nutrients that support a calm demeanor might be helpful.

    Trouble Free powder comes in a 2.25 lb bucket that contains 40 servings. A serving is one 25g scoop. Administer one to two scoops per day. Two servings should be split between a.m. and p.m. administration. Giving two scoops at once will not support increased calmness.

    NOTE: The first time you use Trouble Free it is best to give your horse the first serving about 3 to 4 hours prior to when you need to maintain calmness. Some horses will react sooner than others. Once you see how your horse will react to Trouble Free you can adjust how far in advance you give it.

    Trouble Free is recommended for:

    • Horses that are edgy, nervous, or spook
    • Horses in moderate to hard work that need support to remain focused.
    • Pregnant and lactating mares that might become stressed by changes in routine, such as moving to a new pasture or going to the breeding shed.
    • Growing horses being introduced to new experiences or those facing stressful situations like moving, weaning, or training.
    • Horses in training or those with a heavy competition schedule.
    • Horses that feel “fresh” in the spring.
  • Are horses more apt to be high-strung in the spring?

  • It is not uncommon for horses become especially “fresh” in the springtime. Many horses are grazing on fast-growing cool-season grasses that are packed with sugar and deficient in the mineral magnesium. These circumstances can result in excitability, and in some cases it can make a horse almost unrideable. Regulating grass intake and supplementing with magnesium and B vitamins will help maintain calmness by restoring and supporting normal nerve function.

  • Under what circumstances does a horse need additional magnesium?

  • Pregnant and lactating mares, young growing horses, stressed horses, and especially horses in moderate to heavy work have additional requirements for magnesium. Signs of magnesium deficiency include nervousness, excitability, and muscle tremors.

  • What is taurine and what does it do for my horse’s attitude?

  • Taurine is an amino acid (a building block of proteins) that is critical for proper nerve transmission and muscle function. Taurine assists in nerve impulse generation and acts to stabilize cell membranes by modifying neurotransmitters. It supports calmness in horses.

  • Do horses produce enough of the B vitamin thiamine to meet their requirements?

  • For the most part, the microbes populating your horse’s hindgut will produce adequate levels of most B vitamins to meet the requirements of a horse that is hanging out in the field or ridden lightly. Once a horse starts to work harder or is put under stress, his requirements increase and diet alone may not be sufficient. This is especially true for vitamin B1, also known as thiamine. Thiamine deficiencies can result in a number of different nervous disorders and hyperirritability. Some symptoms of thiamine deficiency are weakness, poor appetite, weight loss, incoordination, and nervousness.

  • Does inositol interact with serotonin in horses?

  • Inositol is involved in the actions of serotonin, which reduces anxiety and supports calmness in horses. Inositol is related to B vitamins and supports electrical impulses and nutrient transfer across the cell membrane.

Recommended For

Trouble Free is recommended for:

  • Horses that are edgy, nervous, or spook
  • Horses in moderate to hard work that need support to remain focused.
  • Pregnant and lactating mares that might become stressed by changes in routine, such as moving to a new pasture or going to the breeding she
  • Growing horses being introduced to new experiences or those facing stressful situations like moving, weaning, or training.
  • Horses in training or those with a heavy competition schedule.
  • Horses that feel “fresh” in the spring.


Trouble Free contains a blend of ingredients that support normal nerve cell function and muscle function in the horse.

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Per 25 g (1 scoop)

Taurine 9,300 mg

Inositol 1,350 mg

Thiamine 700 mg

Alpha-lactalbumin 200 mg


Alpha-lactalbumin is a major whey protein found in mammalian milk and contains high quantities of several types of amino acids, including cysteine.

Researchers believe this compound helps maintain a healthy immune system. It also contains naturally occurring compounds that the body converts to serotonin that supports a positive mood and normal stress levels.


Thiamine, or vitamin B1, plays an important part in the transmission of nerve impulses throughout the nervous system. It also plays a role in the normal metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Unlike many of the other B vitamins, microorganisms in the intestine do not make enough thiamine to meet the horse’s needs; however, both fresh forage (green grass) and grains are good sources of thiamine. Exercising or stressed horses may have higher thiamine requirements than can be met by diet alone, so supplementation is suggested. Horses with little or no access to fresh grass may also require supplementation. Thiamine deficiencies can result in a number of different nervous disorders and hyperirritability. Some symptoms of thiamine deficiency are weakness, poor appetite, weight loss, incoordination, and nervousness.


Taurine is an amino acid that is critical for proper nerve transmission and muscle function. Taurine assists in nerve impulse generation by standardizing the flow of electrolytes (potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium) in and out of the cell and it acts to stabilize cell membranes by modifying neurotransmitters like glycine and GABA.


Inositol is related to B vitamins and is a common component of cells. It supports electrical impulses and nutrient transfer across the cell membrane. Inositol is involved in the actions of serotonin, which supports calmness in horses.


Magnesium helps maintain a calm demeanor by supporting the healthy modulation of electrical potential across cell membranes. It also activates enzymes important for normal protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Magnesium plays a role in many systems of the body. It sustains healthy sleep patterns and supports normal detoxification. Magnesium plays a role in maintaining the production and transfer of energy, muscle relaxation/contraction, and the conduction of nerve impulses.

Under normal circumstances, diet can meet the magnesium requirements of most adult horses; however, pregnant and lactating mares, young growing horses, stressed horses, and especially horses in moderate to heavy work have additional requirements for magnesium. While deficiencies can be seen anytime, some horses have major issues in the spring, when fast-growing grasses are high in sugar and low in magnesium. It is not uncommon for some horses to become more excitable at this time of year. Signs of magnesium deficiency include nervousness, excitability, and muscle tremors.

Serving and Storage

Serving instructions:

A singe serving consists of one 25g scoop. Administer one to two scoops per day. Two servings should be split between a.m. and p.m. administration. Giving two scoops at once will not support increased calmness.

NOTE: The first time you use Trouble Free it is best to administer the first serving about 3 to 4 hours prior to when you need to maintain calmness. Some horses will react sooner than others. Once you see how your horse will react to Trouble Free you can adjust the timing of administration accordingly.

Storage and shelf life:

Store Trouble Free in a cool, dry place and protect from extreme heat and freezing.

Shelf life is 24 months from date of manufacture when stored under suitable conditions.

Available size:

Trouble Free is available in a 2.25 lb bucket that contains 40 servings.

3 reviews for Trouble Free™ Powder

  1. Sydney Fronk

    Going down the supplement isle at the tack store can be overwhelming! There are so many different brands of supplements, it’s hard to know what to invest in. Supplements can be expensive and they don’t always work for your horse. I was recommended Kentucky Performance Products and had seen great reviews so I wanted to at least give it a try. I am so glad I did!!

    After purchasing my 7 year old gelding, it was very evident that he had a lot of anxiety. He frantically weaved in his stall all the time! This put a lot of extra stress on his front legs, especially his front right that has Navicular changes. A friend of mine recommended trying Trouble Free and it was a life changer! After a couple days on Trouble Free powder, he started to weave less and less! His eyes got softer and his sweet personality began to shine through! I had never used a supplement that worked so fast and so well! Highly recommend Trouble Free for even for the most anxious horses!

  2. Sabina

    I do enjoy this product, but I really wish they would make it in bulk. I find myself having to reorder this a lot and would be in the market for it considering I have 2 horses on it! Overall I love this product and helps my horses out a lot.

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  3. Dominique

    My typically hot, sensitive horse is always better after giving her trouble free. Whether it’s going to a show, field trip, or just an afternoon trail ride I feel the difference in my horse every time after using trouble free. It takes the edge off and just makes my mare so much calmer.

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