The feeling you get when you watch your child ride

It’s why we do what we do

It’s why you traded in your bass boat for the best little youth horse you could find. It’s why you get up before the sun on Saturday to hook up the trailer, load the horses and head to the horse show. It’s why you stand by the rail with the biggest grin on your face when your little girl wins her class. Here at Kentucky Performance Products, it is why we work so hard to provide high-quality, targeted supplements that help your horse live a longer, happier life. It is why the horse that matters to you matters to us®.

1200x457-watch-child-rideFight back against dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

Summer Games® is a unique blend of both electrolytes and trace minerals specifically formulated to replenish critical electrolytes in the proper ratios. Summer Games supports healthy electrolyte balance so horses stay hydrated, perform at optimal levels, and recover faster after exercise or in stressful situations.

Summer Games contains a research-proven electrolyte formulation that was originally developed for the horses competing at the 1996 Olympics. Formulated using the results of extensive research studies investigating the composition of sweat, Summer Games contains both key electrolytes and trace minerals in the actual amounts that are present in the sweat.

Available Downloads

Click here to download our infographic on dehydration in horses.


How does your horse make you feel?

Click here to share the feelings you have for your horse and upload a photo. If your feeling is chosen to be highlighted on the website, you will win the supplement of your choice and a prize bucket full of KPP stuff.


Free sticker request Summer 2024

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